Wednesday 29 June 2011

Facebook Page Launched for Girls Education Committee Dadyal

The Girls Education Committee Dadyal has launched it's own Facebook page to promote awareness of their work. The page can be found at:

The Girls Education Committee Dadyal consists of both current and alumni students of Dadyal Girls College. The Committee was formed to serve the interests of the college itself, as well as the local community of educational institutions. The Committee has generated funds via donations and used them to support those girls that struggle to pay for their education. The funds raised have also been used to provide equipment/resources to local schools such as furniture and access to water. Local politicians such as Chaudhary Yousaf and Afsar Shahid have shown enthusiasm towards the work that has been carried out by the Girls Committee.

Their mission is to improve the standards of education in the region and to ensure that the female population receives the quality education it deserves. To discuss and address the issues faced by girls in the region, in order to identify and implement solutions to common problems. Giving the female population a voice and a platform to communicate their concerns. Interacting with local politicians to seek their advice and gain their encouragement on a variety of projects.

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